Platform the word has got it’s new definition in the recent years especially in the tech industry. A business model emerged as Platform economy. Rather than just money making, the platform model increases the value between producer and consumer by creating transparency on the supply chain and also cutting down lot of intermediaries in the supply chain itself. It’s a new model which I believe creates the hope in fair economy. Through the last 5 years, I have been reading, researching and also executing ideas which can help this platform economy. Below are my favourites.

  • Sangeet Paul Chaudary – (To explain, this blog is a gem, so much of informations on different business model and their concepts)
  • List of platform economy startups
  • Platformdesigntoolkit: This guys are great thinkers. Their design toolkit allows you to think the traditional business model into platform model. You can download their book and read about it. (In our Google drive link, you can find the resources as well)
  • Andrewchen blog especially for growth marketing professionals who want to dig deeper on marketing multi-sided platforms. Here is his archive and his recent essay is great for future insights:
  • Inside Intercom Podcast: (not all the podcast covers this but look at the archive and search for platform. There are practical examples from different startups how they evolved from product to platform (Box, Slack, etc)
  • HBR has some occasional articles. Find it here
  • Few places I would recommend not to check are Deloitte, other companies which are focused on corporate sales because they try to distort few informations based on their agenda. No wrong but I would recommend reading the thinkers and idea think tank portal where they focused on idea rather than selling. They are passionate about this things.

if you are serious about reading further deep about this

Platform business model book
Platform business model book

If you think I have missed out anything or you have some recommendations, let me know > JK @